Anarchy Rodeo

Release the bulls


From a dark mind
All are incomplete forever and will be updated in time

Alone Anger Anxiety Chosen to Suffer Drifter Empty Chamber Indicator Faces in the Darkness I am Satan Infiltration Misanthropy One Above, One Below Rotten and Forgotten The Return Zero Sum Game


Deep behind their lines
False identity
Back there you're someone else
But here you know just who to be

Life nobody knows
Place that none can see
Your destiny will always be
To sneak around in secrecy

Your loyalty unquestioned
Reports invaluable
Family left at home
You're unavailable

Friends in high places
And deep below too
Hope nobody catches
On to you

Betray those closest
Be close to those afar
By now they could be corpses
You'll see them if you're up to par

Years dedicated
To this endless task
But all you really ever do
Is ask

Never ending stress
Anxiety and shame
All will come to pass
You always find the one to blame

Everything in its place
You know when something moved
Keep up the pace
Give them nothing to prove

One day they will find you
One day they will know
Was your life of lies worth it?
Not to you

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